Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique used to promote stress reduction, relaxation, and overall health and wellness by lightly placing the hands on or above specific points of the body. Reiki is not a type of massage and sessions are conducted while fully clothed.
While many people experience warmth, chills, and tingling during a Reiki treatment, there may be additional physical sensations such as twitching of fingers or limbs. Some people also perceive energetic waves over the body or colorful phosphenes (seeing light without light entering the eye) while the eyes are closed. Other people may not experience any physical sensations during the treatment, but benefit from a wonderful night of sleep afterward. Each person is unique and each session will be unique as a result. I encourage you to go into a Reiki session with an open mind!
No. Reiki is not linked to any religious practices or beliefs.
Reiki meets you wherever you are. If possible, you should refrain from using stimulants (i.e. caffeine) or depressants (i.e. alcohol) prior to your session; however, Reiki will always work for your highest and best.
Yes! There are numerous research studies which support Reiki as a healing modality. Reiki is being offered in many hospitals and integrative medical institutions, including Johns Hopkins and Columbia University Hospital.
Here are some articles:
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